Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sorry not much good news these days!

Well we got some not so good news the other day. Maybe we should have expected it but well you always hope for the best. A couple of weeks ago Ted had a procedure that rinsed out his bladder. (not going into details why) We didn't mention it in the blog because it was a minr thing no big deal. Well while rinsing out the bladder a small piece of tissue came out of the bladder. So instead of doing a biopsy (which could cause infection) the doctor sent in that piece of flesh to the lab. It came back positive adenocarcinoma consistant with primary colonic. So the cancer has spread to the bladder no other way for it to get there. So today we are seeing the oncologist. I'll have to update you more when I have more information.

On a positive note....Ted has been comfortable and not feeling too much pain. He has been tired but up and about and in good spirits. Love to all, Karen

Friday, February 22, 2008

Decisions Decisions........

Well it's been a tough couple of weeks. As posted before Chemo Sucked big time. No doubt about it. This was the first round of chemo in more than 6 months. This dose acted on Ted like it was his last dose in 6 months. Probably even worse. Yesterday his hair starting falling out in clumps. Last time this didn't happen till about the 5th or 6th dose of chemo. His body is telling him loud and clear that it did not like it and will not tolorate anymore. I know we have said it before, NO more Chemo. Choices are day to day in the life of chemo. We have made good choices and we have made bad choices. (like the second round of radiation) Never should have done that. But how do we know what choices are right and wrong. With Cancer we don't. So for now, we are saying no more treatment. He is not doing Chemo no more, he is not doing the Avastin or Erbitux. You may ask why he is't doing the targeted drugs no more. I'll try to explain. His last treatment on December 15 of avastin and Erbitux and then we took a break for the Holidays. He didn't have many side effects from them. But approximatly a month after stopping these two drugs, Ted became more clear and felt better then he has had in almost a year of starting these too drugs. It was great. We had our Ted back, he had pain but we have been controlling it fairly well. Then the chemo came and it was worse and now he is kinda back to where he was in December. I'm hoping in about another week or so he will snap out of it. He is starting to already but he is still sleeping more then usual. So to sum it up, for now he is not getting anymore treatments. The doctor is ok with this and is ok with whatever decision Ted makes. Last friday we did get a drug that is a bone hardener to help with preventing the mass from entering his bone marrow. But I think that is all that he will allow. He continues to take his meds for pain. That won't stop. We are going to live the rest of his life happy and enjoying what time we have left.

I've decided to try and find a part time job. It's been a difficult decisions but again one that is necessary. I hoping to find something flexible and part-time. So wish me luck. Ted is looking at maybe building some adirondack furniture this summer to make a few extra bucks and to keep him busy. He is working on the pantry right now and Leo is coming to help with the Kitchen in March. I hope to get some pictures of the Deck and pantry up soon. It's just a matter of finding time to put in a slideshow. Love to all. Karen

Friday, February 8, 2008

Chemo Sucks!

Ok, so he had his chemo last week.(thursday) He did pretty well till Saturday evening and then he started to fade some. The Chemo hit him pretty hard and he has been resting ever since. Ted tried getting up a couple of times this week to do some work around the house, but wasn't able to. His body had other ideas. I took him to his oncologist to get fluids and nausea meds today. It so far seems to have helped some. He was joking around a little bit and had a milkshake from Wawa. (Thanks Terri) We will know more tomorrow. I'll let you all know how he does this weekend.