Friday, September 21, 2007

Some GREAT News!

Ok... so you know we stopped the Chemo (cpt11) but decided to continue with the Erbitux and Avastin. Last Chemo given was July 27th and we have had three treatments with just the Avastin and Erbitux. Ok. So they did a cea level on the 27th of July and it was 28.7. Then on or around Aug 15th we had another CEA Level done and that was 21.8. We figured it would go down because of the CPT11. We weren't sure what would happen today because Ted isn't doing Chemo anymore. And lo and behold.......his new CEA level is...

TA DA...... 14.7 YEAH!!!!!! It's still going down, so the less intrusive drugs are working. Our doctor says that alot of people with colon cancer in recent studies have lived additional years on this treatment. Of course there is no end in sight with this treatment, it's every two weeks. Unless it stops working, but at least for two years or more unless they come out with another treatment.

Doing happy Dance!!!!!

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Saturday, September 8, 2007

Quick update

Ted had treatment on Friday. All went well. Things are good here. He rested today. Had little to no pain. Pain is something that comes and goes. I think the less he does the better he is. But you know Ted, can't keep him down. Overall though I think he is doing better then he has in months. For him, not having the chemo treatment was a good choice. He feels better and seems to be doing well. We see the Doctor on the 21st and he gets blood work on the previous monday so we should have some numbers of his CEA level. Blood counts are good. I don't have the numbers because when they are decent they don't usually tell you and you don't get the shot to help the counts. I think he is still below 40 but you have to be below 36 to get the shot. Well I think i'm rambling a bit. I'm tired and heading to bed. Ted is already there. Goodnight and i'll update again soon. K