Monday, November 17, 2008

Things are changing.

Well after our "Thanksgiving weekend" things started changing. Ted was real tired and he needed sleep on Tuesday and rested. Wednesday, our counselor made a house call and visited with Ted. He sat up in bed and chatted and was very much alert. Hospice came and changed the needle in the mediport and then I got him cleaned up and dressed. He insisted on going outside in the garage. He didn't work but he sat and chatted with his father.

Thursday, he got up and I gave him a quick shower and even though he was tired he was glad he got one. Said he felt better. He pretty much stayed in bed, walked around the room a little and visited with his parents.

Friday, my mom, Brenda and my brother Jeff arrived and he seemed to have gone down hill a little more on friday. The nurse came and upped his pain pump. The pain had crepted up on him and hewas very aggitated. After the new pain settings took hold he seemed to calm himself and actually came out to the kitchen, sat in his wheelchair and visited for about a half hour.

Saturday seemed to be a very difficult day. He was very aggitated and I ended up calling Hospice again and they got the orders to up his pain medication again. Saturday was the worst day I have seen him yet. He wouldn't sleep, he told me he was ready to go. But I think deep down he was afraid to sleep. I don't think he got more than 30 minutes at a time for sleep. He did sleep a little more at night with me in the room.

Sunday he seemed to be alert again, still refusing to sleep. Still very agitated but got a good laugh at Kyle while he was mowing the lawn. Kyle can be such a clown. It was good to see him laugh. He hasn't laughed much but he can still rip one at you when you least expect it. My family left Sunday night for their trip back to NY. That night, he seemed to relax for some reason but he also started talking more in his sleeep. Not everything but a few words are clear. But he seemed to relax some. He also started vomiting on and off. They tell me that he could have a blockage. But that is normal, when things start to shut down.

Monday (today) hospice stopped by and ordered some meds for his hiccups and some other meds to help him relax. Some of these meds arn't in pill form so that is good for him. He definatley isn't clear today, he gets some clarity just before he gets sick or wants something. So in many ways i'm glad he is not clear, I would rather have him just talking nonsense then really know what is going on. Right now someone has to be close to him and i'm glad that his sister is on her way down. Hospice is going to stop everyday and they are trying to get someone to be here also for a few hours a day. He panics if he calls for someone and they don't answer. Like this morning after the kids left on the bus, I found him in the bathroom barely standing because he didn't know where anyone was. Well that is where we stand for now, things are changing quickly from one moment to the next. Thank you everyone for all your support and encourging words. Love our famiy and our friends, I don't know how we would have gotton through the last 5 years without you all.


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