Friday, March 21, 2008


Ok. First the good. We went to see the oncologist last week. The one dose of chemo made his numbers go down. Yeah. That is good. Doctor is talking about giving him 5fu and avastin. 5FU is a chemo that is much more milder and was actually given to him his first round back in 04. His thought is that ted can handle it better and maybe we can hold off the cancer from spreading more longer. The Doctors whole idea is to keep him stable as possible. He has been doing a good job so far. Been over 4 years since he was diagnosed. OK So we are also seeing a pulminologist. Ted has had some trouble with his breathing. They have done cat scans of his lungs, x-rays of his lungs. His lungs look fine. So they are doing other tests. He has done the sleep study and stress test and an echo of his heart. We don't go back to the pulminologist till the 14 of April to get the test results. I'll let you all know when I know. Ted also has surgery scheduled for April 7. He is going to have his bladder rinsed again. This time with a Clorox type solution. Hoping to clear things up. Hard to say because it could be the cancer causing the mucus in his bladder. the part if your skirmish...don't read.....Ted has had a lot of swelling in his testicles. We think its along the lines of the lymph system not working properly. They drained one during the last procedure but it came back. So ted asked if he could have it removed. Well we aren't having more it's all good. So he is going to have it removed and they are going to put a temporary drain in and so that the fluid will continue to drain. Hopefully this will make him more comfortable. OK got that all out....ugh..

Other than that...things are good. Ted and Leo finished fixing up the kitchen. It look beautiful. Love it. I'm not sure I mentioned it or not. But I'm looking at going back to work soon. I'm looking for a part-time position that runs in the background. Like Data-Entry, book-keeping, anything that they won't be pissed if I have to leave for a bit or come in late cause Ted had an appointment. I know most of the readers here don't live in Virginia but if you do and hear of something let me know. Ted is also thinking about going back to work. Just for a few hours a week. Just a little something to bring more cash into the house and get out a bit too. I guess they are hurting since Ted left so they were cool with him coming back to work. Just waiting for the final approval. Well this has been a long one. Will update soon as I know something more. Karen


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